Religious Worker Visa

To apply for a religious worker visa in the United States (commonly known as an R-1 visa), you will need to follow a specific process and submit certain documents. The R-1 visa is designed for religious workers who plan to work in a religious capacity for a qualified religious organization in the United States. Here are the typical documents you will need:

You will need to complete and submit the DS-160 form online. After completing the form, you will receive a confirmation page with a barcode, which you will need to bring to your visa interview.

Your sponsoring religious organization in the United States must file this form to request permission for you to enter the country as a religious worker. They will need to provide information about their organization, your position, and other relevant details.

Your sponsoring religious organization should provide a letter that explains your role within the organization, the nature of your religious work, and your qualifications. This letter should also demonstrate how your work fits the criteria for an R-1 visa.

You should provide documents that establish your qualifications and experience as a religious worker. This might include ordination certificates, diplomas, and letters of recommendation from religious authorities.

You will need to demonstrate your membership in the religious denomination for at least the two years immediately preceding your visa application. This can be done through membership certificates, letters from religious leaders, or other relevant documents.

Provide a copy of your employment contract with the sponsoring religious organization. This should outline the terms and conditions of your employment, including your responsibilities, compensation, and duration of stay.


Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended date of entry into the United States. You will need to submit your passport with your visa application.

Typically, two recent passport-sized photos that meet the U.S. visa photo requirements are required.

Pay the non-refundable visa application fee. The fee amount may vary depending on your country of origin.

After completing the DS-160 form, you will need to schedule a visa interview at the U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country. You should bring the appointment confirmation with you.

Depending on your country of origin, you may be required to undergo a medical examination. Check with the U.S. embassy or consulate for specific requirements.

Some applicants may be asked to provide a police clearance certificate or other background check documents.